Sunday 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 6:00 PM - Holy Eucharist

A peaceful atmosphere to rest, pray and meditate while remembering loved ones.

The Memorial Garden is a landscaped area of the church grounds set aside for the interment of the cremated remains of members of Good Shepherd Church and their immediate families. It offers a valuable alternative to the traditional church cemetery for those who would like their final resting place near the church and choose cremation as a burial option.

The Memorial Garden provides a peaceful atmosphere in which to rest, pray, meditate and remember loved ones.

A respectful service of Holy Eucharist is celebrated Wednesday evenings during the summer months. Worshipers gather at 6PM in the Memorial Garden for a reverent service among loved ones who’ve gone before us. In the case of inclement weather the service is in the sanctuary.

Construction of the Memorial Garden was made possible primarily through a generous bequest from the estate of Helen C. Herr. The garden is maintained through the requested donations given by those who wish to be interred in the garden, as well as the Endowment Fund for Memorial Garden maintenance. The Memorial Garden Committee appointed by the Congregation Council of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is responsible for the care and administration of the garden.

For more information, download a brochure, or contact the church office at 717.393.3958.